Become an Advocate

Become an Advocate

Thanks to the tireless work of our advocates, we’ve passed critical legislation and significantly increased federal research funding. But our work isn’t done. We need dedicated, passionate advocates like you to build on this success in Congress and in state capitals throughout our nation. Whatever your availability or experience, we want you to make a difference by sharing your story and joining our volunteer team!

Get Involved

Join advocates who are making Alzheimer’s a national priority by writing, calling, emailing or visiting government officials.

How You Can Help

big group at capitol

As a volunteer advocate, you’ll make your voice heard, drive policymakers to address Alzheimer’s and other dementia, and improve the lives of everyone affected by Alzheimer’s. Your level of commitment is completely flexible to fit your schedule, style and skills.

  • Do you want to share your personal experience as a caregiver? You can share your story with your elected officials and tell them how they can help.
  • Are you active on social media? You can share your story on Twitter or Facebook and tag elected officials asking them to help on our issues.
  • Do you have a few minutes in your day to write? You can submit letters to the editor to your local newspaper about your story, asking others to contact their elected officials for help.

These are just a few examples. Connect with us and let’s figure out what works for you!

Leadership Opportunities

Alzheimer’s Ambassadors

Develop deep relationships with their assigned member of Congress.

Alzheimer’s Congressional Team Members

Bring their own unique stories, relationships and skills to complement the work of an Ambassador.

Alzheimer’s State Champions

Cultivate multifaceted, year-round relationships with targeted state officials.

Dean Brenner

I’m not a neuroscientist. I can’t invent the pill for her to take. But talking to a member of Congress? Yeah, I could do that.

—Dean Brenner, Washington, D.C., Leadership Society

Our Campaigns

Our Priorities