Mississippi State Alzheimer’s Plan Overview

Mississippi’s Strategic Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias is a project led by the Department of Mental Health, Division of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, in collaboration with other stakeholders, public and private. The Strategic Plan was published in 2015 as an update to the original plan published in 2010. In January 2020, the next iteration of the state plan was published, The State of Mississippi, Strategic Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, 2020-2025.
Mississippi 2025 Policy Priorities

Incorporate Dementia into Public Health Outreach Programs
Mississippi is home to 62,500 individuals living with Alzheimer’s and has the highest mortality rate due to Alzheimer’s in the nation. It is critical that residents across the state understand the importance of brain health, risk reduction strategies and early detection and diagnosis to improve their health and care. The Alzheimer’s Association is calling on state lawmakers to enact legislation that incorporates Alzheimer’s and dementia into existing public health outreach programs. This public awareness initiative will educate health care providers and Mississippians on brain health, risk reduction, and the importance of obtaining a timely and accurate diagnosis.
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people living with Alzheimer’s in Mississippi
Mississippians are providing unpaid care
$606 Million
Medicaid cost of caring for people living with Alzheimer’s (2020)
increase in Alzheimer’s deaths 2000-2021
in hospice with a primary diagnosis of dementia
increase of geriatricians in Mississippi needed to meet the demand in 2050
Resources to Drive Change in Mississippi
The following resources developed by AIM and the Alzheimer’s Association will help you learn more about the issues impacting people living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, how Mississippi policymakers are addressing these gaps, and how you can help drive change.