South Carolina State Alzheimer’s Plan Overview

In June 2008, the South Carolina General Assembly created the Purple Ribbon Task Force by passing Senate Concurrent Resolution 1333 to study the current and future impact of Alzheimer’s disease within the state, assess resources for those impacted by Alzheimer’s, and develop a strategy to meet the needs of South Carolinians. Housed in the lieutenant governor’s Office on Aging, the Purple Ribbon Task Force included representatives from state health and aging agencies, law enforcement, research institutions, long-term care agencies as well as health care providers and state legislators. In March 2009, the Task Force published Conquering the Specter of Alzheimer’s Disease in South Carolina. Following a 14 year gap since the previous publication, the state Alzheimer’s plan for 2023-2028 was developed after a six-month planning and data collection period. The Alzheimer’s Resource Coordination Center (ARCC) Advisory Council served as the statewide representative coalition of experts and stakeholders throughout the planning process. Following the publication of the state plan, SB 0569 (Act No. 53 of 2023) was enacted, requiring the ARCC Advisory Council to maintain and update the state plan every five years and submit an annual report to the governor and general assembly concerning progress towards fulfilling the state plan.
South Carolina 2025 Policy Priorities

Improving Dementia Awareness Among Primary Care Physicians
Orangeburg County, South Carolina was identified as having the eighth highest prevalence of dementia in the United States. Primary care physicians play an important role in early detection and diagnosis, either diagnosing cognitive impairment issues themselves or making referrals to a specialist for further assessment. With limited specialized medical infrastructure and resources in rural South Carolina, primary care physicians will play an increasingly important role in caring for individuals across the disease continuum. The Alzheimer’s Association is calling on state lawmakers and state agencies to create an awareness and education campaign aimed at primary care physicians in Orangeburg, Bamburg, Banwell, Allendale, Calhoun, and Clarendon counties on the importance of providing an early and accurate diagnosis for the patients they serve.

Improve Loan Forgiveness to Address the Workforce Shortage
Workforce shortages have a profound impact on individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. In South Carolina, specialists in neurology and geriatrics are in the shortest supply. South Carolina is deemed a “neurology desert” and has only 66 practicing geriatricians statewide. In 2005, the state implemented the Geriatric Loan Forgiveness program. The current amount provided by the program is inadequate to increase the pool of neurological disciplines and geriatric health professionals that can provide care for those living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association is urging state lawmakers to support an increase in the amount provided for the Geriatric Loan Forgiveness Program from $35,000 to $50,000. This increase will ensure that more individuals who practice geriatric medicine, neurology and neuropsychiatry are drawn to practice in the state.
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people living with Alzheimer’s in South Carolina
South Carolinians are providing unpaid care
$652 Million
Medicaid cost of caring for people living with Alzheimer’s (2020)
increase in Alzheimer’s deaths 2000-2021
in hospice with a primary diagnosis of dementia
increase of geriatricians in South Carolina needed to meet the demand in 2050
Resources to Drive Change in South Carolina
The following resources developed by AIM and the Alzheimer’s Association will help you learn more about the issues impacting people living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, how South Carolina policymakers are addressing these gaps, and how you can help drive change.